
LED Lighting Industry Returns to Rationality in 2013

In 2013, the entire semiconductor lighting industry was not tossed as it was in previous years. For the performance of the industry in 2013, I would rather use "rationality" to sum up the right and wrong of this year.

At the beginning of the year, Shenzhen repealed the LED plan and made a false alarm. The LED industry in Shenzhen began in the early 1990s and developed rapidly. The enterprises accounted for nearly half of the country. One step ahead in Shenzhen, many other local governments came to Shenzhen to “grab” LED companies to develop there. Many LED companies have gone out of Shenzhen and developed. The whole industry is very impetuous and obviously overheated, but many companies are dissatisfied with the local government policies. Without cashing out, the capital chain went bankrupt. This is the beginning of the "rationality" of policy.

The investment in LED in 2013 is no longer a matter of rush. The layman watched the excitement and the insider looked at the doorway. The frequent collapse of large LED companies proves that the LED industry crisis is beyond the normal reshuffle of the industry. In the final analysis, the first two years of LED fire, but also let the LED industry itself lit up. The lure of policy subsidies has led some LED companies to look forward to the rapid development of LED companies around the country, and then either stranded or degenerate. Throughout the year, investment in LED has been "rational".

2013 is the beginning of the channel, so grabbing dealers is the most important. Traditional lighting companies have obvious advantages in their channels, and they have large-scale and rapid transformation. The transformation speeds of big companies like Sunshine, NVC, Op, Sanxiong, Debon, Kamei, and Fozhao are all very fast, and the proportion of LED output value is increasing rapidly. At the same time, e-commerce is a good channel to integrate the retail market, perhaps with a market share of more than 5%. Many emerging LED companies are in the e-commerce space, including traditional manufacturers. However, it is not a matter of the last moment. Hongli Optoelectronics's abrupt end of e-commerce has precisely explained the "rationality" of companies in channel selection.

The rationality of the industry is a summary of the past and the beginning of meeting the future glory. The road is long and long-term, and I will search for it. In 2014, let us build a Chinese dream of the semiconductor lighting industry.



Contact: Mike

Phone: 15012929152

Tel: +86-755-87757506


Add: 302, No. 10-1, Touxu Road, Xinsheng Community, Longgang Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen